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Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Good Yeggs Website


Dont Forget to visit the Official Website for the latest information, MP3s, Photos, Video and more at or click HERE

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good Yeggs jpg. Propaganda



Sabian AAXplosion Crash Cymbal Inquiry


To Customer Service Department

 I am a loyal user of your quality cymbal products and a drummer for 29 years. Just recently I cracked an AAX X-plosion Crash Cymbal during a performance, my surprise lies in the fact that the cymbal in question is just over two years old. The cymbal is stored in a heavy duty cymbal bag and is handled carefully, I use them on the average of just twice a week equalling 200-300 hours over the course of two years, this has never happened before and I feel that the damage is premature especially for a high end AAX crash. My cymbal attack is medium and I am not a heavy player, I also use a medium gauge drumstick (pro mark 747). For such a highly reputable company I am hoping that you can help me replace this cymbal. I have shows booked and would appreciate a prompt reply.

Thanks Very Much
- Frank Genalo

And the courteous and timely reply. (they replied the next morning)

Hi Frank,

Thank you for playing SABIAN.

I'm afraid that due to the fact that the cymbal is over 2 years old, I can't replace it under warranty.  In order to be fair and consistant to all of our customers our 2 year policy is strictly enforced.  We do, however, offer repair services for certain types of problems.  If you could tell me the location and lenght of the crack, there may be something we can do to help you.



Customer Service
Sabian LTD

The Good Yeggs - Three Jolly Pigeons 1/8/11 Brooklyn, New York


Our first full gig was a good time. Becker Brother Joe sat in on Sax and Jazelyn (Sweethook) helped us out on "American Crank". It was nice to use a vintage Slingerland kit accompanied by the DW snare drum and the mounted rack tom was mounted on a snare stand giving it that sweet spot. Thanks very much to Baby Daddy and Thomas for inviting us along. Songs premiered at this gig were "Come The Light Of Day", "Stranger Coming To Town" and our version's of "That's Alright Mama", "Blue Suede Shoes" and "I'm Only Sleeping"










Baby Daddy In Action.

The Good Yeggs - Annual Christmas Concert - 12/22/10 The Tea Lounge Brooklyn, New York


Tis the season for my musical families to celebrate the Holiday's yet again and like always its a pleasure to see these familiar faces of former bandmates and fellow musicians. The one thing we all have in common is that we do this because we love this and there is no other substitute for performing music in a live setting amongst longtime friends and peers alike. I am humbled to share the drum stool with two of my fellow percussionists for many, many years namely Michael Roberto and Joe Gucciardi.

Christine, Daniella and Nadia sounded absolutely superb and harmonious throughout the nights performances and ALL of the bands played solid sets. I wasnt able to capture any photos of Speedo or Box of Crayons as i was busy doing "Jager Shots" over by the bar but it was great hearing them perform some festive classics.


Rockin' Out with Baby Daddy


Gettin' Cosy with the Comfy Chair


The Kings County All Stars Crowning It.


Our first gig as the Good Yeggs.


I was able to get a candid pic with one of my drumming heroes. Take a guess who it is and imagine winning a prize.

Snare Some Change ? - Drums From a Life / DW Collectors Series Snare Drum


It brings tears to my eyes just looking at this pic.

L to R - Ludwig supraphonic (?) (serial number 255043 making it from Christmas 1965) Ludwig Accent CS Custom 6X14 (2009) DW Collectors Series 6X14 (serial number M566235) (10/21/10)

Ludwig - My second snare drum and my first Real snare drum (the previous was a twenty dollar jobby) was the metal vintage Ludwig that I purchased in 1982 along with five (maybe six) Zildjian cymbals and a five piece gold sparkle Ludwig Ringo kit for the unbelievable (even by 1982 standards) sum of $250 !!! These drums served me well and proved themselves roadworthy with the Sub Basement Blues Band (That snare has been onstage at CBGBs 3 times and L'amour once)

Ludwig Accent CS Custom - Once I started becoming professional on a regular basis (White Wedding) I figured it was time to get myself some decent drums of my very own instead of borrowing Doc Brown's very adequate Ludwig "School Bus Yellow" five piece kit and cymbals so I purchased a five piece Ludwig CS Custom Accent drum kit ($700ish) and a set of Sabian AAX cymbals ($800ish) at a later date. More than Nice and A Set For Life, The Ludwig CS snare drum has been on stage three times at B.B. Kings Blues Club in Times Square and has consistently made me proud and sound great for nearly one hundred gigs, Like I Said A Set For Life but frequent higher paying gigs made me strive for loftier goals. Is this beginning to sound like a Grimm's Fairy Tale ?


The House where I bought my first Drum kit on 58th street & 18th avenue.


The Drum department at Sam Ash on Flatbush Avenue where I purchased my DW snare drum..


After taking a blind taste test at Guitar Center (Union Square) I came very close to purchasing a Pork Pie snare drum (Tama was the close second) but kept eyeballing the unaffordable $600 DW snares off to the side.


With some prodding from J and deciding to eat my words and finally take my own advice "Do It Right The First Time" and in this case it was "Do It Right The Third Time" I bit the bullet and plunked down five and change ($520.39 MSRP $884.00) and did it right. Now we are Really Talking about a Snare Drum for Life.

The DW is seen above with its "Mag" throwoff switch in the "off" position.


3P Three Position Butt Plate (BWAHAHAHA), Oh Really


Numbered Lugs on a Drumhead ? (1 through 10) who knew ?


My DW Snare is sympathetic to Timbre Note B.


Of course we are talking features without foundation, I will be able to finally take the DW out for a morning drive with full ensemble playing this coming Wednesday evening with White Wedding so watch this space for more details as they develop. (see above 10/28/10)


the Joe FranklinS - Percussion Overdubs 11/1/10 HesDeadJimStudios Queens, New York


Whilst Abusing Sleep Deprivation Artistically as a tool of inspiration and just plain The Freakin' Reality Of My Situation!!! (3 hours sleep folks) I commuted down to the studio for an early morning overdub session (slated for 9:30-10 a.m.) and we (Tom & I) worked quickly and efficiently speaking the same language of "EngineerEase" that Thomas and myself were schooled in agreeing marvelously on colour choices in the percussion department for the tracks we felt were in need of them,..... We worked well together with the minutiae and knocked off the overdubs (one or two takes) vocals notwithstanding (fourth take) into submission and satisfied in under two hours.


See the Guiro, She's My Hero.

I overdubbed Guiro, Claves, Tambourine and Shaker onto various tracks and Thomas even got a vocal performance out of me (final chorus of "Empty Walls") which is easier said then done. WELL,...... by reminding me of Peter Criss' vocal prowess (like a friggin' cat) on the KISS debut LP track "Nothing to Lose" whilst Joe likens it to a Paul (starchild) vocal we still got some more BROOKLYN accent into the recording. My coffee was decent and the music was soothing, the man in the deli was very polite as well albeit he was on the telefono at the time.



My minds ear heard a powerful, cracking snare drum a la Hal Blaine pushing the solo of "Another Brooklyn" along so I brought down the new DW Snare Drum for its recording debut.

the Joe Franklins - Recording Session 9/25/10 HesDeadJimStudios Queens, New York



After just a few rehearsals the newly configured Joe Franklins decided that it was time to enter the recording studio to lay down some tracks for posterity and to secure gigs via our website which can be found here. We settled on four key tunes and a five hour session but put down seven tunes in a four hour session, Go figure. Next is the overdub session.

There was Pork Rinds, Dominican Cake, Beer and a Loosie (cigarette that is, We are all taken ladies)


Our dynamic lyricist and vocalist (for most of the time) and Bassist Joe.


Ideas Man, Engineer, Plate Spinner, Lyricist and Vocalist (for some of the time) and Guitarist Thomas.


He may look serious but hes just shy (for a bit of the time) but he's drummer Spike who also has a blog which can be found HERE.