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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sabian AAXplosion Crash Cymbal Inquiry


To Customer Service Department

 I am a loyal user of your quality cymbal products and a drummer for 29 years. Just recently I cracked an AAX X-plosion Crash Cymbal during a performance, my surprise lies in the fact that the cymbal in question is just over two years old. The cymbal is stored in a heavy duty cymbal bag and is handled carefully, I use them on the average of just twice a week equalling 200-300 hours over the course of two years, this has never happened before and I feel that the damage is premature especially for a high end AAX crash. My cymbal attack is medium and I am not a heavy player, I also use a medium gauge drumstick (pro mark 747). For such a highly reputable company I am hoping that you can help me replace this cymbal. I have shows booked and would appreciate a prompt reply.

Thanks Very Much
- Frank Genalo

And the courteous and timely reply. (they replied the next morning)

Hi Frank,

Thank you for playing SABIAN.

I'm afraid that due to the fact that the cymbal is over 2 years old, I can't replace it under warranty.  In order to be fair and consistant to all of our customers our 2 year policy is strictly enforced.  We do, however, offer repair services for certain types of problems.  If you could tell me the location and lenght of the crack, there may be something we can do to help you.



Customer Service
Sabian LTD

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