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Monday, November 6, 2017

The Dillon-Lane Syndicate - Marathon Style 10/5/17 - Brooklyn, New York City.

Finally got my chance to become an official member of the Syndicate. 

Several opportunities have surpassed me but this one was a BINGO.

Performing for the kinetic troubadours running in the New York City Marathon was a pleasure and an honor and they passed us by to hear a second or two of the Classic tracks that D.L.S. performs as they approached their finish line.

Burger King supplied D.L.S. with a power supply which was much appreciated.

As I was performing on an acoustic Drum kit I need not had to worry but was honed in on a BK Whopper by mornings end.

It rained slightly in a drizzle but nothing to ruin the proceedings.

And the Whopper was achieved, hence a Whopper Junior with Cheese while watching the equipment as we awaited our cart transportation (car service).

Personally I was flying by the seat of my pants during performance, no rehearsal with the boys on my part but I appreciate this for the sense of danger and stress this brings about, also I was familiar with most of the material. No noticeable mistakes were made by myself (my opinion) due to Brian's excellent stage/street cues for breaks and endings and the Most Excellent band that D.L.S. is.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Three Jolly Pigeons 10/14/17 Brooklyn, New York

A couple of details about this gig. 

I was completely under the weather, spelled "Bad Cold" So after I attempted to repair the unworking Bass Drum pedal twice I just kind of gave up and swam with arms only and missed the photo op with my great friends Lisa, Guy & Anthony that I wanted to capture with forethought but was just too dizzy, not incapacitated but a wreck. It was great to see my lifelong friends.

Being half Asian I did not let on about my "weatherness" but hung on in quiet desperation while at the same time having quite a blast and a few sneezes. 

My Very First Hot Toddy.

Thank you Lisa for recommending this as she knew I was under the weather.

She did recommend several but I only had the one.
Most Enjoyable.

Sylvester (DLS) Took a nice impromptu photo of the boys in the band at the bar. 

Joe is his Affable, inviting self.

I am playing the A-Hole Drummer with his 17th Hot Toddy in hand.

But the kicker here is Thomas looking totally pissed off which defies his demeanor. 

The Dillon Layne Syndicate Full Blown with Tom Yegg on Lead Guitar.

Joe Yegg gifted me some specialty sticks at our previous rehearsal as the Three Jolly Pigeons had a Noise Ordinance (DRUMMERS) issue quite recently so we toned it down.

It was most interesting playing with Brushes and "Multi-Sticks" and a challenge is always invited in my corner.

The Window Ad as supplied by D.L.S.

This Is Show # 29

- Spike

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A LEO Celebration - 7/29/17 Three Jolly Pigeons, Brooklyn, New York

We Are The Good Yeggs and are Proud to be a Band from Brooklyn, New York.

After setting up our gear we asked the barkeep to set up some Drinks.

For starters were Three Manhattans which was much desired and we (The whole band, not just myself) sipped at the bar, being a few hours early before the festivities.

Soon after, members of D.L.S. and friends began arriving with home made food for the green room honoring the LEO Celebration. The Three Jolly Pigeons Green Room is oddly yellow though. 

There are a few Birthday babies in our clique born under the star sign of Leo (July 22 - August 22) but Vlad "The Viz" and Sylvester "The Syndi-Cat" are the personal friends whom I recall. 
I apologize to any LEO's left out at the time of this writing.

While sipping my Manhattan Cocktail I happened to be sat next to Mary Anne who is a Three Jolly Pigeons regular (so far as I know) and asked her what concoction she was imbibing as it was (from top to bottom) Clear, Yellow and Red which was most intriguing. 

She informed me that it was Grey Goose (Vodka) with Pineapple juice and Cranberry juice so I ordered one and it was Delicious.

The Spread (Green Room) before it was really laid out.

Veggie Platters, Fruit Platters, Pasta Salad, Chicken Drumsticks, Deviled Eggs, Potato and Macaroni Salad a la Sylvester, Chips and the most Glorious Mac N' Cheese a la Carla.

Someone even made Onion Dip.

 I am the Onion Dip Master and this Dip was Jedi worthy.

Thank You D.L.S. for inviting us to double bill for tonights Celebration.

We played two good sets tonight even though I was "speedy" for the first two numbers as informed by Thomas Yegg to myself and thankfully so as our 45 minute set might have been reduced to 30 minutes.

Tonight we premiered Eddie Cochran's "Twenty Flight Rock", The Who's "Squeeze Box", Ray Charles "I've Got A Woman", Merle Haggard's "Swinging Doors" and our original song "Clouds In The Sky".

Thomas premiered his newly acquired 1979 Les Paul custom and thanks to Phil (D.L.S.) for allowing me to utilize his Tama Gladiator Simon Phillips signature Snare Drum for our first set.

Joe dedicated the last song of our first set "Good Enough Is Good" to my old school chum Bobby, (see photo below).

A reunion between myself and my high school friend and Rocker from Band Class Robert, back from when we were just learning how in the heck to play a Musical Instrument in the first place.

Ted & I.

Ted is a really cool guy with quite the sense of humor.

We are both myopically challenged so decided to remove our spectacles for this photo.

Because WE ARE Two Wild And Crazy Guys.


3JP Exterior.

This is something I had never actually noticed after performing here many times. 

A painting of The Three Jolly Pigeons as depicted by Salvador Dali during his realist stage (1970-1970) (OK I am totally in jest here for anyone taking me serious, I hate to correct a joke but there it is) hanging on the wall above the radiator to the left of the side door entrance. 

This painting is quite charming and the parking area does indeed remain standing  as in the Illustration.

The Physical Poster Ad Campaign.

This Is Show # 28

- Spike

Thursday, July 13, 2017

GJOA Club 7/8/17 - Brooklyn, New York.

Always a pleasure and honor to perform at the annual "Escape From Transit" retirement celebration event for the most formidable, Humorous, Godlike and all around Nicest Man in the World Brian.

We played a good set even though I was for reasons unexplainable under the weather for the entire day.

Brian & myself. 

Photo taken A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away.

O.K. it was just two months ago.

Stage Center vantage point.

Many Plastic Cups, Retrievment Center for Ice Cold Beer and baking pan to catch the Suds.

Plate of much Appreciated Foodness. 

Rice & Beans, Tortellini Salad & Chicken Chick Pea Stew.

My Good Yeggs bandmate Thomas was so kind in picking me up two pairs of sticks. This was greatly appreciated. Also in this photo is our set list from the day.

Digital Ad campaign photo for the celebration, Thank You Vlad.

This Is Show # 27.

- Spike

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Three Jolly Pigeons 3/11/17 Brooklyn, New York

Digital Ad Campaign at the top.

Two sets apiece and we all had a good time.

Many bands take a year and a day switching back and forth between sets but Reload and The Yeggs took no time at all, this was refreshing. 

We shared equipment but in prior cases some bands take a year and a week, on this night it was fluid and without major pause.

We must be like professionals or something.

Lyric cheat sheets for "You Really Got A Hold On Me" and "Mack The Knife"
taped to side of a P.A. Speaker.

Really cool Vocal monitors. Was nice to see these stand mounted as opposed to gravity driven "sitting on the floor" mounted, I did not get to utilize these but I was impressed.

The Mackie SRM 150 compact active monitor system.

Reload performed two sets mixing Classic Rock and 90s favorites and it was a joy to see my high school peers (H.S. at this point is about twenty years ago for me) Rocking Out with precision and finesse.

At this gig David proclaimed prior to their rendition of "My Sharona" that said song was the "Suppers Ready" of Pop/Rock which got a major chuckle from me.

The Dave & The Brian

When the Moon Gel Muffling System is not available just use some painters tape.

Monikered properly of course.

Shure I will sing some backing vocals.

A Cider and a Bag Of Crisps.
To make the crowd to moving their Hips.

No Pics of The Yeggs tonight, I am becoming weary of asking anyone to take photos of the band and how many can we have of us at 3JP.

HOWEVER !!! I am sure due to this lack I will be asking someone at the next gig to take pictures.

Name ? : Brian
Occupation : Shropsher Slasher

"I want to do what's right, I do"

March Madness.

Thanks to Brian asking to emcee the band introductions towards the end of our second set and revealing my name as Francis Genalo A.K.A. Spike.

This Is Show # 26

- Spike

Friday, February 17, 2017

Salzy 2/17/17 Brooklyn, New York

From an insiders point of view, tonights V.I.P. awards go to Tom & Joe Yegg for pulling double duty performing with both DLS and The Good Yeggs.

The Dillon Lane Syndicate performed with their usual dedication to Rock & Soul that I have come to expect. I also enjoyed being a spectator and watching the other two thirds of The Yeggs perform, those are my boys.

Thanks for inviting us down to co-headline DLS

Tom & Joe Rocking out with DLS.

Note the DLS "Bling" on the Bass Drum that Brian provided.

The Whiskey Sour - For some months now the "Whiskey Sour" has been mentioned in hushed tones and Loud Brackets from our Mr. Dillon and every single time a shot glass went off over my head that read  "I never tried a Whiskey Sour Ever", well we were offered a Drink ticket apiece during The Good Yeggs second set and Brian had mentioned onstage, on the night on the classiness of his Drink "served with an Egg White", I ordered mine without such eggish frippery and enjoyed it thoroughly.

The Dillon Lane Syndicate Core Band flanked by Syndicate members Tom & Joe Yegg.

The Good Yeggs (photo by Slane).

The Drummers - Phil P. & myself (rocking the mad scientist look)

Salzy Exterior.

With all of the cuisine Park Slope has to offer and being exhausted and starving after work I stopped in and had


 a Subway Tuna Salad Sandwich "Sub of the Day" ($3.50) !!!

Well time allotted or not I couldn't have Indian Food without Cristina and as my boss exited the work site in haste he forgot to pay me so my choices were greatly narrowed.

For our triumphant after Gig meal we stopped off at Daisy's Diner.

A Cheeseburger Deluxe was in my sights but then I spotted something called a "Devils Muff(a)letta on the menu (Cajun Grilled Chicken Louisiana style with Ham, Chili & melted Swiss Cheese on hard roll) and threw caution to the wind, I should have stuck to the Cheeseburger Deluxe.

This Is Show # 25

- Spike