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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

IF ONE OF THESE YEGGS SHOULD HAPPEN TO FALL - 12/9/15 Maimonides Medical Center - Brooklyn, New York

Yes my dear brothers (and sisters too), The Yeggs almost became a Duo but fortunately (for myself) this did not come to pass. They probably would have sounded better as a Duo but those Drummer's hang on.

 Dont They.

While this entry does not particularly suit the jovial and musical climate of this page, to me it was a Yeggs event so much so that I manufactured our first monickered portable urinal (see photo above) that we are now testing out on select audiences (the product not the act of discharging) for possible future promotional deals and purchase at the merch table.

The Yeggs rushed to my side even though I tried to keep my condition hush hush but word gets around this town quickly. Joe got me a bunch of Chinese Food and Thomas gave me "travel size" underarm deodorant and mouthwash (just what was Thomas trying to tell me). A few days later Joe & Jennie showered me with books to borrow and a full outfit consisting of Robe, Slippers and Pajama's, which has actually changed my life in a leisurely "at home, at rest" sense. Mister Franklin Poska even came by for a visit completing the circle in Yegg solidarity.

Next Stop is Recording.

Rockin' the Grizzly Adams look.

I wanted to take "goofy hospital pics" of the boys in the band but what with all the hubbub and nonsense, not to mention the raiding of the "nourishment center" to procure bedside fruit juices for myself (and a pitcher of ice) we forgot to take any and then like a Yegg riding into the sunset they were gone.

Christina popped this photo of me a day or two later. Its always unsettling to see the "name tag" outside of the hospital room door but even moreso when its yourself.

To Maimonides wise advantage they let me out.

- Spike

Saturday, November 28, 2015

JOE FILOSA'S BIRTHDAY BASH - 11/28/15 Three Jolly Pigeons, Brooklyn, New York

The Good Yeggs with a photobombing Brian Dillon.

OK, no. I was adamant he be in the photo.

Once again it is that time of year when Joe Filosa throws his annual birthday bash and graciously invited us down to be part of the roster of bands celebrating the anniversary of his birth.

As usual everyone had a Blast and this is one of the rarer Gigs where you can witness tag-team Drummers, not mid song mind you but everyone gets a chance.

I for one got to Jam with Normal (along with Joe Yegg) and a cast of Musicians of whom I never got to catch their name (for a fifth time, since I am terrible with names) and banged two drumsticks together during DLS' unresistable version of "I'm A Man"

Joe Yegg, That "two penny" whore played with every band on this night. 
He made eight cents or even more, That Bastard.

Joe Filosa and myself.

Why can we never get a photo in focus and lit well thus far, we must be vampires.

DLS with our very own Joe Cacciola sitting in on Bass Guitar for the second weekend in a row. I Love these guys.

Once a Yegg always a Yegg.

Of note we had the 3JP Dancers up on the floor. From my vantage point as well as being myopic and removing my eyeglasses prior to our performance I missed it all but they were dancing at the back of the bar and finally sashayed up during our set and were in full swing is the word on the street.

You Go Girls !!!.

We played a nice tight set and redeemed ourselves from our "sloppy" set the weekend before (a fist fight did break out mid-set which tends to distract from the attention span of performing musicians though), however I must take blame. You are not a good Band without a good Drummer.

Not tooting my own Snare, just saying, at least I was OK tonight.

Tuning up.

A quintessential part of not sounding like "Bloody Hell" on stage.

Joe Filosa's wife Patti once again dazzled us with her homeade cooking.

Sliced Beef, Ziti, Meatballs and a Sweet Potato Stew with Peanut Sauce. Not sure of what that is in the upper right hand corner (or the upper left hand corner if you were standing at the table). Of course there were many Cakes and Eggplant Pizza as well as what I think was Sfincione but I had to exit early due to an engagement the next day. I did take my last few bites of Eggplant Pizza along with me so as not to insult its Foodie Goodishness.


"All I need are these Drumsticks,... and this remote control,... thats all I need"

This Is Show # 23

- Spike

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Three Jolly Pigeons - 11/21/15 - Brooklyn, New York

As always, once again a night of frolic and cavortment with our closely knit musical family of friends and fellow bands at the Three Jolly Pigeons. I began touting this as a Sub-Basement Blues Band reunion a day before the gig as The Good Yeggs would be performing quite a few S.B.B.B. oldies (classics) on the night but most important was that Franklin would be sitting in with us completing the quartet in the photo above.

Pictured above (L to R top row) is Bruce Springsteen, Keith Emerson, Carlos Santana and 
(front row) - Tim Curry.

I personally had a "crappy" gig what with the untested Bass Drum pedal I was going to give Joe being a "piece of crap" and not utilizing my DW 5000 pedal AND what with the Cymbal stand untightening and giving the single Crash Cymbal an improper angle AND what with the me feeling completely under the weather and performing better at rehearsal just hours prior AND what with me having to remove my glasses from my face during the second number in fear for them falling as they kept slipping off AND what with me bringing an unadjustable eyeglass sports strap that glued my glasses to my face so tightly I was in fear of cracking them rendering it useless.

And then a fight broke out.

As my glasses were off I could barely catch a glimpse of what was going on but heard a ruckus and saw what looked to me a wave of people traveling from my right across the front of the band. Joe rushed over to the front table where his wife Jennie was seated along with friends and Thomas' wife but he was Protecting Tom's 77 year old mother in case these hooligan ruffian's might fall atop her, thankfully the melee was quashed by the bouncer and patron's before it escalated to a major level.

Photo taken by Charlie on his cellphone, dark but good framing. 
3JP is a dark place with no stage lighting.

Joe with his Danelectro and quality physique.

Thomas having a good time and goofing around Beatlesque style whilst sporting a snazzy new "Stormtrooper" t-shirt..

After the fight he delivered the line of the night to the crowd over the P.A. (public announcement) system.

"Now you can say I went to see the fight and a band broke out"

Some crappy Drummer having a bad night.

Our V.I.P. of the night making this The Sub - Basement Blues Band.

Mister Franklin.

Who Let These Bums In Here.

D.L.S (Dillon, Lane Syndicate) Rocking it out. I truly love this band. During their set Brian promoted next weekends celebration concert for Joe Filosa's birthday expounding that Joe's wife makes the best "Yeggplant Parmigiana". 

That Brian sure has a way with words.

Phil (Drums), Sal (Guitar), Brian (Guitar, Emcee & Vocals), Robert (Guitar), Sylvester (Vocals)
and on this occasion our very own Joe Cacciola on Bass.

I tried but could not get a photo with everyone in it.

(L to R) - Phil, Sal, Joe & Brian.

I'm digging that Asia shirt Sal.

Band Of Others performing Surf Rock and Party standards. Great bunch of fellows too as they helped us load up our gear into Tommy's car which is not the most common practice.

As a side note their Drummer Dan and I are both major fans of the Drummer Hal Blaine amongst others.

The DLS ad campaign.

A photo from March 18, 2010

Taken after a recording session of which we recorded the track "Coney Island Summer" (posted below) for inclusion on a Box Of Crayons "New York" themed CD compilation.

This Is Show # 22

- Spike

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sidelines - 10/15/15 - Brooklyn, New York

Thanks to D.L.S. and MC Too Tall who was tending bar this evening for inviting us down.

Our night began in classic fashion as Thomas' car got "tapped" from behind while pulling up to drop off two amplifiers but the offender insisted on filing a police report as opposed to simply exchanging insurance numbers, so much for us being the opening act and we were postponed for well over an hour.

D.L.S. went on first in lieu of the legal activities proliferating outside.

Sylvester (Vocals), Brian (Guitar), Sal (Guitar), Rob (Guitar), Andy (Bass), Phil (Drums).

I was listening from outside but whenever a band performs "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" (and many do) I always listen to the Guitar solo for the nuances and Rob nailed it.

From London, England. Steve White with Phil on Cajon and Brian Dillon on Guitar.

Joe taken from my viewpoint as we had no photographer.

Sylvester (D.L.S.) was kind enough to post some photos on "Facebook" as it happened. And happened it did, premiered tonight was the Levi Presley hit "Dont Be Cruel".

The New York Mets beat the Dodgers 3-2 during our set and much Ballyhoo ensued but Joe obliged with kind and knowing sarcasm thanking the crowd for all the applause. We were asked for an encore which was the B.B. King/Lucille Bogan standard "Sweet Little Angel".

Tommy Roberto ready to Rock after the automobile mishegash was cleared up.

"BOY !!!"

Looking more and more like Angus Scrimm, the "Tall Man" from the film Phantasm.

The Pocket Monster. Bop Monroe (Guitar and Vox), Brian (Bass), Eugene (Drums).

Eugene has a unique style of double traditional sticking of which I asked him about after their set, he also provided the Drums which was a tiny, short kit with a thin TAYE Bass Drum and it was a slight challenge to perform on but it was fine.

Eugene and I flanked by a photo bombing Bop Monroe.

Its Only Rock & Roll But I Like It.

Sidelines serves HUGE Pint glasses of Blue Moon or Budweiser but I can swear these are 20 ounces if not more.

Post Gig one a.m. Dinner at the Bridgeview Diner.

Joe and Thomas had Eggs Over Easy and Eggs Over Well.

I had the traditional Cheeseburger Deluxe.

We all had Gravy on the side.

My bandmates stole my large Onion Ring, The Bastards.
Actually I surrendered it wholeheartedly.

This Is Show # 21

- Spike

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Recording Session 6/5/15 - HesDeadJim Studios - Queens, New York

The Yegg Array.

As this is being posted four months in deference the memory becomes blurry but it is the Admins (Spike) fault and we do have a gig tonight so I had better get into a Curry Hurry.

We laid down basic Rhythm tracks for "She's Pretty", "We Made This House A Home" and our old warhorse from The Sub-Basement Blues Band Days, a new recording of "Open Skies".

A jerk to work with but a Heckuva guy.

The Great Poska Riffing to "Open Skies" or about to Riff.

About to lay it down.

Gibson Give Us Money.

Is the 347 much better than the revered 338 ?

I shall ask Thomas.

In the Sound Chamber.

Whilst editing this entry I pondered the fact of "Where the heck is Joe ?" well I found a pic and as he is a third of us and a Chief Songwriter in the band he must be represented.

He's the dude to the right in the SUN records t-shirt.

A Gratuitous pic of "Easy Cheese" which was my edible fuel during this Recording Session, Mother's Milk right from the Nozzle, almost finished the whole canister.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

THE FILOSA 35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 5/2/15 Three Jolly Pigeons, Brooklyn New York

An Impromptu photo of The Good Yeggs backstage at the Filosa celebration.

Amongst the roster of 17 bands invited to celebrate the 35th wedding anniversary of the Filosa's was Us, The Good Yeggs.

We played a set of 5 songs and got in and out professionally like a small unit of Special Forces to let the other acts get on with it, of this I was happy. Do not get me wrong but oftentimes there are huge gaps between bands due to tuning up, tuning down, turning on, turning off and just plain "Where the hell is the Guitar player ?".

Our set tonight was "She Made This House A Home", "Another Brooklyn", "Crazy Arms", "Good Enough Is Good" and the premiere of "She's Pretty"

The festivities began with a mini Blues Jam and Joe Filosa was generous to invite me up behind the kit for a number which was Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Pride & Joy" during which the "button" (angle adjustment) on the right hand Crash Cymbal became undone which was immediately followed by my glasses falling off and careening onto the Floor Tom but being a seasoned musician you must never ever stop so I carried on, well it was that good.

The entire performance from all players concerned ran from 9 p.m. till 2:30 a.m. and as my Drum Kit was the house kit I must say that my Ludwig's were gang banged all evening but came out unscathed and spiritually enhanced.

Truly a fun evening and Everyone (including my Drum Kit) had a Complete Blast.

It was then that Thomas realized he had taken the Bass Drum with him by accident and left his wife Nina standing in the driveway back in Queens.

With Mr. Joe Filosa (the handsomer cat in the background) backstage at Three Jolly Pigeons.

Joe and I share similar Musical tastes (Progressive Rock, etc.) and I kept trying to get a decent photo of two of "The Drummers" but failed miserably, much like trying to play a 16th note paradiddle underwater.

Either way fellow Drummer and a good man of impeccable taste.

I looked at him and he at me wondering what on our plates there might be.

Patti Filosa did not cater the party, she made the food from scratch and fed 17 bands, and if you ever ate with a Musician well,...

Aside from the graciousness of being fed this was Homeade Food and most delicious it was, and I mean,.. DELICIOSO!!!

Well I had Three Meatballs aside from my plate and told her so to which Patti's humorous reply was "O.K. thats it for you, no more, there are more people coming" 

She is so cool and culinarily talented that she must be married to a Drummer or something.

The Newcomer of the Evening Award goes to Puddy Tat.

I returned to the room only to witness Sylvester (and the band) killing it. Now Sylvester often comes to our gigs with Brian Dillon but I had no idea that he was a singer and what a singer and front man he is, I was thoroughly impressed, so much so that I spontaneously joined the back line percussion section (on woodblock) during their take on the Spencer Davis Band's classic "I'm A Man".

The Good Yeggs both collectively and individually would like to thank the Filosa's for inviting us to help celebrate their 35th anniversary together.

This is Show # 19

- Spike

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Three Jolly Pigeons 2/7/15 Brooklyn, New York

Thomas' Gibson ES-347-2800 manufactured in 1980 and Joe's "First Bass Guitar" the Ibanez Roadstar ll built in 1982 which in Joe's words was still "When Ibanez made good guitars".

John Paul Skocik opened the nights proceedings with an acoustic set of well written Killer tunes, afterwards I asked him if he was an Elvis Costello fan and he replied in the affirmative. Mr. Costello aint no slouch when it comes to song form so we were all happy unanimously. Thanks John for the Girl To Gorilla CD which was gifted to me and just recorded and will get a play on my Audio Device immediately.

Yeggs Is As Yeggs Be.

We performed a loose, short and Brisket marinated set and at one point the Drummer even dropped his stick only to quickly recover of course. 

Premiered tonight was the Chuck Berry Classic "Memphis,Tennessee", "Cadillac Ranch"  courtesy of THE BOSS of whom Jennie recommended we cover and who me and Joe took about 1 minute to decide on which tune, Paul McCartney's Beatles barnstormer "I'm Down" and a new original tune penned by Joe and dedicated to his wifey "She Made This House A Home".

A couple of Yeggs goofing around.

Taken from my vantage point. Mr. Joe getting ready for his set.

Taken from my vantage point. Mr. Tom getting ready for his set.

Taken from my vantage point. Me thinking I don't know what the hell 
is going on.

Box Of Crayons played a Ramshackle set that had me smiling throughout.

OK, there is something to be said about this. Smiling is possibly the greatest emotion that one can profligate and the Box Of Crayons floored me tonight. It possibly truly began with their rendition of their original song "I Want To Punch My Neighbor In The Nose" but only escalated from that point on. 

Brian Dillon, Need I say More.

Fran Powers, Need I say More.

Jennie ordered a Pizza Pie from a local joint and fed us all. Here is my self centered and Gratuitous photo of FOOD ON DRUMS and this was indeed for the first time "posed" but I was deeply in conversation with my friends so I rushed back to the table, Pizza in hand of course. Forgive me Carl as we do have an intrinsic bond over this behavior.

So as not to tarnish Joe's Remo Drumhead with Pizza grease or crumb tumblings I gingerly nestled my Slice upon the hallowed B.B. King's sweat rag of which lives inside of my gig bag, if my demise is near then please C.S.I. look into the DNA of said rag.

AND Lets give a Salute and "Shout Out" to Jennie of whom I always go to for advice even if she does not realize it and is one of my guiding lights. Plus she takes care of my Brother Joe.

Digital Ad Campaign (Jennie)

Digital Ad Campaign (Spike)

This Is Show # 18

- Spike